We first visited St. Michaels, Maryland in June, 2016. Our daughter had just gotten married, and my brother and sister-in-law invited us to their beautiful home.

I will never forget the peace that I felt as I saw my first view of the Miles River. It seemed to wash over my soul, giving me something I didn’t even know that I needed.

The whole town is like that – both beautiful and quaint, a haven of relaxation. It was voted as one of the Ten Best Small Coastal Towns by USA Today.

We visited St. Michael’s again last summer, June 2021. It was a short visit, but one of laughter, storytelling, and amazing food.

During our visit, I was reminded again about why my brother was the best big brother ever. Growing up with him was always an adventure.

First, he is a gifted storyteller with a huge imagination. We didn’t just play in the backyard. We would build villages out of sticks and mud, and he would make up stories about the townspeople. He’s written stories, novels, and blogs. You can checkout his website at http://onegoodeyephotography.com. There you can find out how he came up with the name, onegoodeyephotography. He doesn’t give a lot of details, but it’s an interesting story.

He is also a gifted landscape photographer. I don’t know how he does what he does, but his photographs are pure art. I’ve included several of them in this post. To see more, visit his website or follow him on Instagram: onegoodeyephotography. Here are more of his amazing photographs. These were all taken in and around St. Michaels.

We highly recommend a visit to St. Michaels. While you are there, make sure you check out both a sunrise and a sunset. You will be glad you did.

Here’s the link for our St. Michaels YouTube video.